The holidays are full of yummy treats!
Add some music to your toolbox for learning delicious food traditions around Latin America while targeting language concepts such as same/different, shapes and patterns, vocabulary words and geography skills.
Great for dual language and Spanish immersion bilingual education settings and IEP-goal alignment!
This activity pack is created by a board-certified music therapist and includes 2 music based activities including PDF lesson booklet, Google Slide Deck, Lyrics-Chord chart, Music video, Audio tracks, supporting Visual Aids and Pro-Tips follow-up activities for expansion and generalization.
Can be played live or sing along with the recordings. Music and movements are demonstrated and audio recordings include variety of versions for maximum flexibility of use (Spanish Version; Spanish-English Version & Instrumental backing tracks).
Can be used during circle time, to mark the start of ELA groups, speech therapy sessions and/or in home settings to encourage carry-over skills.
-Objective Areas & Sample IEP Goal Alignments
-Chord & Lyric Chart
-Mp3 Audio Files (5)
-Mp4 Music Video (2)
-Google Slide Deck
-Supplemental Visual Aides
Number of Pages: 18
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